How To Use This Site

This site contains all the unfulfilled prophecies spoken by God to the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. These prophecies have been categorized and tagged. Many prophecies have more than one category or tag. Some will have no tags but at least one category.

I have left out the prophecies that come from other sections of the Bible, such as Psalms, Torah and the New Testament. I intend to eventually add those prophecies, but since the highest level of ignorance centers around what God said through the prophets, I felt that this was the most important place to start.

To avoid copyright issues, all passages are quoted from the King James Version. Most of you will not have a problem with this translation, but for those who are interested in what a different translation says, there is a link in each page to a different translation at

Here is how you can search this site:

The above search will look for the word ‘Israel’ in posts
that are in both categories: Ezekiel’s Fire and Gog and Magog.

You can also scroll down to the links
to each category or tag
in two sections that follow the above.

Most categories and tags are easy to understand. However, there are a few that have specific and unusual meanings.


Christians – this category contains 16 references to what appear to be Christians.

Ezekiel’s Fire – this is the name of my first book, and it is in reference to the global cataclysm that occurs when Gog and Magog come against Israel. There are 30 passages that contain elements of this prophecy

Jesus – there are 26 unfulfilled prophecies that refer to Jesus in one way or another.

New Covenant – a New Covenant is mentioned 24 times, and I think that we know exactly what that means.

Redemption of Israel – the single largest category of unfulfilled prophecies, and is the main focus of my work for the past 30+ years. You cannot understand the Last Days, if you don’t understand this.

Return of Israel – not every passage about the Redemption of Israel will describe the Return of Israel to her Land. God has made clear that the Return of Israel to their Land happens BEFORE their Redemption.

Uncertain – these passages contain elements that may not have been 100% correctly categorized or tagged. As I seek more understanding about these passages, I expect that this category will slowly disappear. Having said that, there are some things that are not meant to be understood until the time is right for understanding to come.


Most of the tags are easy to understand by themselves. However, there are a few that need some explanation.

Book of Revelation – These are passages that have a strong connection to events described in Revelation.

Fulfilled And Unfulfilled – prophecies that have already begun and have not finished. There are also passages that refer to attributes that have always been in effect and will continue until they are ended.

Seal Six – There is one passage that appears to have a specific connection to the Sixth Seal of Revelation 6.

Surrounding Nations – Nations like Ammon, Egypt, Tyre, Damascus, etc. are referred to in nine passages.

World – passages that affect everyone in the world

Zion – Zion is a place inside Jerusalem. And, there are specific elements to this place that are more than just a reference to Jerusalem.

If you have any other questions about how to use this site, or wish to offer suggestions to increase the accuracy and usability of this database of unfulfilled prophecies, please contact me here:


I always enjoy interacting with those who are committed to understanding the Last Days, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours in Christ

John Little
Revelation Six